Places of memory of the nation, the stories of people and places around us – publishing of a book
A guide to the travelling exhibition of the places of memory of the nation maps a period from the emerging conflict until after first months after the end of World War II. A unique book, based on a project of the Post Bellum association, comes out on 28 April 2015 – the very day of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Brno. Its mission is not to become a textbook of our modern history, but to bring an authentic testimony of witnesses. The mouths of survivors, of real people, speak to us of history, which we have only read about and often were reluctant to believe. The book also shows that some places we pass by every day are not nearly as common and mundane, and some people we meet are often real heroes. Heroes, who already have something to say to the future generations and whose voice should not be overheard.
This guidebook will be complemented by a multimedia project called Liberation 70, commemorating the end of World War II.